Our school operates a full tuckshop service for our children 4 days a week. A wide range of healthy options is available at good prices all year long. Please browse our tuckshop menu for the current food choices and pricing.
We are open
- Closed Monday
- Tuesday until first break
- Wednesday to Friday open both breaks
Phone: (07) 3489 2223
Online purchasing is becoming more popular for busy parents and carers. As such, we are moving more towards online tuckshop ordering. We will still have brown paper bag and cash ordering but online ordering is more efficient for you and our tuckshop staff. Please register for lunches and snacks for your child at Flexischools. See instructions below for more information.
Flexischools online ordering
- Go to:
www.flexischools.com.au External link
- Click "Register Now"
- Enter your email and follow the prompts
- You can then put credit on your account and place orders.
Download the Flexischools App from the App Store and order directly from your phone. Please note: it may take up to 7 days for the money to be available in your account.
Orders close at 8.45am each morning.
Brown paper bag and cash
Bags are available at the tuckshop for a minimal cost or you can use your own (please make sure it is big enough to hold all your child's food). Use a separate bag for each break. The orders can be dropped off at the tuckshop before 8.30am or placed in the tuckshop box in the classroom.
Johnny Smith
| Johnny Smith |
Peel | Peel |
1st break | 2nd break |
Sausage roll $3.00 | Snack box $3.00 |
Apple popper $2.00 | Watermelon $2.50 |
Paper bag $0.10 | Paper bag $0.10 |
Total $5.10 | Total $5.60 |
For safety please do not use staples on the brown lunch bags.
We are always looking for volunteers!
Volunteers are integral to the efficient running of the tuckshop and are always welcome! Training will be provided and the hours are negotiable. We need helpers on Monday and Tuesday between 8.30am and 11am and Wednesday, Thursday and Friday between 8.30am and 2pm. We would be very happy for you to volunteer any time you have to spare from 30 minutes to a couple of hours Monday to Friday. If you would like to come in for a coffee and a chat while helping in the tuckshop, please pop in to see Tamika or give us a call to discuss days and times. If you are able to volunteer your child will receive 50% off their tuckshop order on the day you volunteer. Ph: 3489 2223